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The student is required to attend not less than 80% of the total class hours in any required subject. A student who incurs 20% or more of the total didactic and laboratory work in any subject shall be dropped in that particular subject.

All required examinations must be taken by the student. Failure to take the scheduled examination must be made known to the Dean for evaluation and for the arrangement of a special examination. Special examination may be given only upon approval form of the Dean.

The student who misses an examination and fails to take a special examination or is disqualified from taking one will be given grade of 50% for that particular examination.

The student who has incurred absences of more than 20 percent of the required total number of class and laboratory periods in a given term should not be given credit.

Absences during classes for whatever purpose are considered against the student in meeting the requirements of the course. However, a student may make up for any work missed during the excused absence.

Students who leave the class after the roll call and do not return or return almost at the end of the period are considered absent.

The checking of class attendance falls under the concerned responsibility of the faculty member.

    Admission to Advanced Standing
    Admission to Foreign Students
    Honorable Dismissal
    Withdrawal from the Course
    Annual Limitations of the Rules
    Rules of Conduct
    Rules Regarding Payments
    Adjustment & Reimbursement of Fees