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Gross-Clinical Anatomy

This is a two-semester, 10 hours a week course. This subject is oriented to studies in structure-design, location-relationships of parts of the human body. It is also designed along the integrated regional approach of the study of the human body.

Following our objective to develop a basic physician, Clinical Anatomy is included in the course where students will have opportunities to apply their anatomical knowledge in certain common abnormalities and disease obtaining in our region and country.

Lecture-discussion and dissection sessions occupy the 8 hours per week for gross anatomy; one hour a week session will be devoted for clinical anatomy which includes some basic radiological discussion as they are needed; and lectures on Embryology and Genetics given one hour a week.


This course in microscopic anatomy is given 4 hours a week for two semesters divided into lecture- projection-discussion sessions and microscopic slides. The course introduces the medical students to the normal structures of the human body and their physiological functions at the microscopic level. It also prepares them for the study of the abnormal tissues to be taken up in General Pathology.

In the laboratory, the students will be taught how to identify the normal tissues which comprises the different organs of the body and to associate the structures they see to their physiological functions.


The course correlates morphological studies (developmental and functioanl) with neurology, neuro-pathology and neuro-phychiatry. Actiivties include lectures, projection-discussions and specimen studies. This will be two-hour-a week one year course.

Textbook: Carpenter, Malcolm B. Human Neuro-Anatomy. 7th Edition, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins. 1976.

Biochemistry & Human Nutrition

This course consists of four hours lecture a week, dealing with the study of chemical structure of the major body constituents, the chemical properties of these biological materials as well as its functions, the mode of synthesis and its catalysis as carried out by enzymes. Relationships of these chemical structures and functions to various bio-chemical principles in analyzing commonly occurring related health problems. As a consequence there will be a liberal sprinkling of clinical applications of these bio-chemical mechanisms.

A portion of the entire course will be lectures on Human Nutrition which will present concepts of nutrition and the application of these nutritional concepts to analyze malnutrition problems...

Laboratory exercises will be four hours a week which will demonstrate the chemical analysis of biologic materials like blood, urine, etc. and the clinical applications based on such findings. Animal experiments will demonstrate why biochemistry is important in health sciences and will show how biochemical principles are involved in day-to-day professional practice.

Textbook: Harper, H. "Physiological Chemistry" 17th Edition
References: White, Handler, Smith "Principles of Biochemistry"
5th Edition, Lehninger, "Textbook of Biochemistry" series 1970
McGilvery. "Biochemistry: a Functional Approach" 2nd Edition.


The course is designed to help the students gain a basic understanding of normal function of the bodily systems to enable him to apply this understanding rationally in the diagnosis and management of disease stage.

The course consist of lectures, laboratory sessions, demonstrations, conferences. in addition, at least one tutorial session is provided each week with emphasis on small group instruction.

During the first year, features of cell physiology and the nervous system which are considered essential to the comprehension of the organ system emphasized are the (a) hemtopoietic, (b) respiratory, (c) circulatory, (d) urinary, (e) digestive and (f) the endocrine systems.

Textbook: Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton, A. 6th Edition
Additional References:
1. Review of Medical Physiology; Ganong, F., 9th Edition
2. Physiology Basis of Medical Practice, Best and Taylor; Brobeck, Editor

Psychiatry I

An introduction to Psychiatry, the study of the human mind and behavior; the study of personality - its foundational core-its developmental growth and the various factors influencing its growth; study of man's adaptive and mental mechanisms.

The course is one-hour-a-week, one semester study.

Textbook: Kolb, Noyes "Modern CLinical Psychiatry" 8th Edition.
References: Kaplan and Friedman "Comprehensive Textbook in Psychiatry", Vol. I and II.

Preventive and Community Medicine I (1st & 2nd Semester)

The course is designed to help the student understand the ecologic concept of health and diseases. It will develop the skills in using statistical methods in the measurements and understanding of health and diseases in populations. It aims at helping the student understand the causal factors and mechanisms of disease occurrence and distribution in population groups, with a view of identifying the points in the natural history of diseases, at which preventive measures will be applied most effectively to avert, delay or interrupt its occurrence.

32 hours (1 hour per week) lecture, discussion and demonstration.

1. Bancroft, Hudah "Introduction to Biostatistics," N.Y. HOeber-Harper, 1957
2. McMahon, Brian and Thomas P. Pugh. "Epidemiology, Principles and Methods." Boston, Little, Brown, 1970
3. Satwell, P. Maxey-Roseneau's "Medical and Public Health" 9th Edition, N.Y., Appleton-Century Crofts, 1965 4. Leavell, Hugh E. and E. Gurney Clark. "Preventive Medicine for the Doctor of His Community" 3rd Edition, N.Y., McGraw Hill, 1965

Second Year Subjects

Preventive and Community Medicine II (Ist & 2nd semester)

This course is designed to acquaint the future physician with the general setting medical practice by making him aware of the seven basic health services, environmental and industrial sanitation problems. It is devoted to the study of the general principles, thods, techniques and resources for the prevention and control of communicable diseases, as well as for the promotion and maintenance of health for the individual family and community. It develops the competence in defining specific health problems in Region 8 and formulating approaches to their solution.

32 hours (1 hour per week) lecture, discussion and demonstration.

1. Bancroft, Huldah "Introduction to Biostatistics," N.Y. Hoeber-Harper, 1957.
2. MacMahon, Brian and Thomas P. Pugh. "Epidemiology, Principles and Methods." Boston, Little, Brown,1970.
3. Sartwell, P. Maxey-Roseneau's "Medicine and Public Health" 9th Edition, N.Y., Appleton-Century Crofts, 1965.
4. Leavell, Hugh E. and E. Gurney Clark. "Preventive Medicine for the Doctor of his Community." 3rd Edition, N.Y. McGraw Hill, 1965


The course is conducted with lectures, actual laboratory work and demonstrations of the common parasites which a basic physician encounters later on his future day to day practice. The morphology, life history and medical as well as public health importance of the protozoan and helminthic parasites infecting man are taken up with great shown regularly. Special and routine techniques used in the laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infection are dealt with.
Medical Entomology is also included. The morphology, biology and control of the more important insects and arachnids that cause or transmit diseases are considered with special emphasis on flies and mosquitoes.
3 hours lecture and 4 laboratory hours per week.

Textbook: Clinical Parasitology, Craig & Faust.
Reference: Textbook of Parasitology, Belding.


This course introduces the student to the understanding of infective process. Specific infections and its etiologic agents particularly the pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and fungi, methods of cultivation and study, laboratory diagnosis both by culture and animal experimental infection, techniques of serology, the concept of immunity and biologic products will be included.
The field of Immunology which revolves on the study and understanding of immunity will be emphasized by actual laboratory exercises and experiments on animal to be done by students themselves.

5 lecture hours and 5 laboratory hours per week.

Textbook: Clinical Microbiology, Joklik

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

The course is designed primarily to provide the medical student an opportunity to establish a sound basis for therapeutics. The course introduces the student the basic principles necessary for the rational use of drugs in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Major emphasis is on the mechanism of action of prototypical drug-the processes involved in the modification of drugs of the physiological, biochemical or pathological states of cellular and organ systems.

For every class of drugs, the other aspects studied are pharmacokinetics, indication for use, contraindications, adverse effects (toxic and side-effect), posology and factors affecting doase.

The principles of prescription writing and the specific regulations concerning dangerous drugs and narcotics and also taken up.

The course also includes the principles underlying the recognition and treatment of over dosage and poisoning.

An aspect which has recently been given emphasis is the research and investigation of the therpuetic merits of Philippine Medical Plants.

Textbook: Goth, Andres, "Textbook of Medical Pharmacology," 9th Edition, 1978.
References: Goodman and Gilman, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics," 6th Edition, 1975


This is a full year's course in Anatomic Pathology given in the second year. It consists of three hours lecture and five hours laboratory work per week for a total of 288 hours for the whole year. The student is taught the causes, nature, basic abnormalities as they present themselves in gross and microscopic lessons, and the course and effects of disease, both anatomical and functional. The students are encouraged to have the basic understanding of the general principles of pathologic processes in order that they may correlate these lessons with their work during the clinical years.

Textbook: Pathologic Basis of Disease, Robbins and Cotran.

Clinical Pathology

The general principles of Clinical Pathology (Laboratory Medicine) is taught as a one semester subject in the second year as a lecture and laboratory work for a total of 72 hours. Emphasis is placed in the interpretation and evaluation of laboratory test results and knowing the clinical application and limitations of laboratory procedures. The students are encouraged to develop a discriminating ability regarding the use of laboratory methods. The laboratory work is designed to develop the necessary fundamental skills required in the performance of routine laboratory procedures which a physician might want to perform in his office, clinic or field station.

Textbook: A Textbook of Clinical Pathology, Miller and Weller; Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods, Davidson and Henry.

Preventive and Social Medicine I

The course consists of: Human Ecology, Medical Sociology, Population Dynamics and Basic Biostatics. Its objectives is for the students to acquire an overall knowledge and understanding of the inter-related physical, biological, economic and social determination of health.

Human Ecology deals with study of the form and development of the community in human population.

Medical Sociology deals with the Filipino family, their beliefs, customs and practices-in relation to medical care taken up in population dynamics. Basic Biostatistics deals with data collection, interpretation of graphs and tables, determination of health statistics and computation of simple statistical data.

Activities will include lectures, discussions, slide projection and community research. This is a two semester course given one hour per week.

References: Amos, Hawley, "Human Ecology," Bancroft and Huldan. "Inroduction to Biostatistics," Levell, Hugh. "Preventive Medicine for the Doctors in his Community"


The subject matter in Surgery I is divided into didactic and the practical phases. The didactic phase cohrd Principles of Surgery and Minor Surgery, while the practical phase consists of demonstrations and atual practice involved in Minor Surgery.

The aim of the subject is to introduce and acquaint the students taking the subjects with basic princioles of Surgery and Minor Surgery as a preparation for more advanced studies in the future Clinical Surgery.

Teaching is effected by lecture-recitation, demonstration actual practice and the use of audio-visual and other instructive aids.

Textbook: Christopher's "Textbook of Surgery" 11th Edition, Loyal Davis, M.D. or Latest Edition

Medical Ethics

The general objectives of the course is to help medical students to familiarize themselves with the processes of ethical reasoning specially as it refers to medical situations. More specific objectives are: (1)To discover the ethical dimensions of the medical profession as a whole and to point out which problems and medical genetics raise and moral issues; (2)It attempts to provide some systematic ways of thinking about moral issues that have been raised with the goal in mind that the medical students as physicians of the future will be at a position to arrive at an ethical medical decision after considering both the scientific and medical ethical aspects of the medical encounter.

Perspective in Medicine and History of Medicine

In compliance with the objectives to produce a physician competent to render primary health care services, this course will offer the students some insights into the medical profession by making him/her familiar with multi-faceted aspects of medical practitioner; by providing the students some knowledge , philosophy and attitude so that the new medical graduate will not only be adequate in the scientific background but will, after training, possess a medicum of socio-politic cultural desirable qualities that will enhance his/ her becoming a complete primary care physician.

This will be given one hour per week or a total of 18 hours during the first semester in the first year.

Pediatrics I

This course will be given to the second year medical students for the total of 18 hours. It deals with the study of the fundamental and the basic principle involved in child care. Didactic lectures and demonstrations supplemented by Audio-Visual aids are given.

The course consist of the following topics: The fields of Pediatrics, Growth and Developmental Pediatrics including Psychological development, Practical aspects of Infants and Child Feeding, Nutrition and its disturbances, Characteristics and problems of various age group, Genetics, Social and Preventive Pediatrics including Family Planning and Pediatrics Emergencies.

Textbook: Textbook of Pediatrics and Child Health. del Mundo; Nelson's Textbook in Pediatrics.

Pediatrics II

This course deals with the basic principles involved in child care. Didactic lectures, demonstrations and ase presentation are given, 4 hours a week for one year.

The course consist of the following topics: Newborn fluids and electrolytes, drug therapy, Digestive, cardiovascular; Genito-urinary and respiratory system, Immunity and infectious diseases of the blood, Lumphatics, skin and Allergy, Endocrine System, Bone and Joints; CNS, Convulsive disorders and diseases of the muscles.

Demonstration of the care of the new born, Infant feeding technical procedures, History taking and interesting cases are shown to the students.

Textbook: Nelson's Textbook on Pediatrics; del Mundo's Textbook on Pedia; and Child health Infectious Tropical Diseases by Phil. Pediatrics Society.

Pediatrics Internship (Fourth Year - 2 months)

This covers a period of two months (40 hours a week for 8 weeks). Students will be rotated in the different services in the department of Pediatrics and will go on 24 hours duty as scheduled.

Preventive and Community Medicine IV (Fourth Year Ist & 2nd Semester)

The will enable the students to assist in the barangay health development, thru partnership with the barangay health unit, utilizing the Primary Health Care categories. Emphasis is given to social preparation of the barangay, developing community structures, inter and inter-sectoral coordination, provision of basic health services, active community diagnosis and treatment, community planning, evaluation and re-direction of projects.